Daten und Fakten
In the "Daten und Fakten" series, different data sets are statistically analysed and evaluated, and various statistical sources are analysed regarding the Mittelstand.
33 Results

Facts and figures | 2015 Business start-ups by foreign citizens
Foreigners have increasingly influenced the process of business start-ups in both Germany and North Rhine-Westphalia between 2004 and 2014. Foreign founders have played a particularly important role in the commercial sector.

Facts and figures | 2014 The suitability of the Taxpayer Panel for identifying self-employed and start-ups
On the basis of the income tax data, information on self-employed persons and start-ups can be determined according to type of activity. By 2007, the number of people with self-employed activities had risen to 6.8 million. Of these, around one million are pensioners/retired persons (additional income) and 2 million are part-time self-employed.

Facts and figures | 2013 Company successions in Germany 2014 to 2018
Due to a lack of official statistics, the IfM Bonn has been estimating the number of companies in Germany that are about to be handed over since the mid-1990s.

Facts and figures | 2013 Foreign trade activities of small and medium-sized enterprises: Information possibilities of official statistics
Official statistics record the foreign trade activities of German companies incompletely, both in terms of the various forms of foreign involvement and their volumes.

Facts and figures | 2013 Foreign trade activities of small and medium-sized enterprises in the light of official statistics
International trade in goods and services is of great importance for German SMEs. Exports and imports have tended to increase over the last decade, as has the number of internationally active companies.

Facts and figures | 2013 Freelance business start-ups in Germany in 2012
On the basis of data from the tax office, the number of start-ups in the liberal professions was determined approximately for the first time. In 2012, about 82,000 start-ups were registered by freelancers.

Facts and figures | 2013 Development of the liberal professions in North Rhine-Westphalia and its regions between 2002 and 2011
An adequate supply of professional services is essential for a functioning economy and society. From a regional policy perspective, it is therefore highly desirable to establish freelance branches in all regions.

Facts and figures | 2013 Foreign sales of freelance industries using the example of architects - a comparison of different data sources
The statistics relating to the foreign activities of German companies do not permit the clear identification of liberal professions. Complete data for all foreign activities, company sizes or legal forms are not available in any statistics.

Facts and figures | 2012 The importance of small and medium-sized enterprises in energy-intensive industries
The IfM Bonn has examined the development of energy costs in industry for the years 2008 to 2010 and the importance of small and medium-sized energy-intensive industrial companies in 2010.

Facts and figures | 2012 Key figures for medium-sized companies in Eastern European EU countries
In the course of the EU enlargement in 2004 and 2007 ten Central and Eastern European countries joined the European Union (EU-10). The geographical proximity as well as the intensive trade relations with Germany gave the IfM Bonn the opportunity to determine size class-specific company key figures for the Eastern European EU countries for the first time.

Facts and figures | 2012 Freelance start-ups in Germany - Evaluation of data from the tax authorities for the years 2008 to 2011
At the beginning of 2012, the IfM Bonn presented the first data on the founding of new companies in the liberal professions. At the end of 2012 the current data from the tax authorities could be evaluated for the first time for all 16 federal states.

Facts and figures | 2012 Statistics on enterprise size - Enterprises, turnover and employees subject to social insurance contributions 2004 to 2009 in Germany
In this volume of tables, the IfM Bonn has summarized the currently available statistical data material on the number of companies in Germany.

Facts and figures | 2011 Foundations, Liquidations, Insolvencies 2010 in Germany
Foundations, liquidations and insolvencies are important elements of economic dynamics. However, Germany lacks official statistics on start-ups and liquidations.