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External publications Competitive market structures in equity crowdfunding

Digital financial platforms that crowdfund equity for entrepreneurs have emerged globally. Nevertheless, the question still remains as to how scalable the business models of these platforms are and how much competition the market allows compared to other digital markets.

In their article "Access to digital Finance: Equity Crowdfunding across Count-ries and Platforms", Prof. Dr Saul Estrin, Prof. Dr Susanna Khavul (both London School of Economics/UK), Prof. Dr Alexander S. Kritikos (DIW) and Dr Jonas Löher (IfM Bonn) make a cross country comparson. They conclude that in equity crowdfunding, unlike other digital markets, the increasing network size does not lead to disproportionately more investments and the market therefore has more competitive market structures. Furthermore, they reveal considerable differences in the investments between countries and platforms.The article "Access to Digital Finance: Equity Crowdfunding Across Countries and platforms" was published in Plos One.
