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Information on Mittelstand enterprises

  • practice-oriented
  • interdisciplinary
  • applied research

Dossier Bureaucracy

Bureaucracy per se fulfills important economic functions: It helps to ensure legal certainty, planning security and equal treatment. However, despite several bureaucracy relief laws, entrepreneurs have the feeling that the bureaucratic burden on the part of the state, but also on the part of the self-governing organizations of the economy, standardization institutes and professional associations, is constantly growing.


IfM Bonn News

Welfare provision for hybrid self-employed persons

There is recurring public concern that hybrid self-employed may not be sufficiently socially protected due to the different social security systems for paid employees and the self-employed.


The influence of personality traits on regional innovation capability

Do individual characteristics of the Big Five personality patterns have an impact on the development of innovation in structurally disadvantaged regions? Leonie Reher, Dr Jörg Thomä and Dr Petrik Runst analyse this question in their policy brief "Patterns of personality: An explanatory approach to …


IfM-Position Paper

In need of a paradigm shift – Rethinking bureaucracy reduction and regulation policies

Highly complex economies and societies need regulations to ensure their ability to function. These ensure legal and planning certainty and prevent corruption. However, especially in the view of SMEs, the "optimal" level of bureaucracy – which is difficult to determine empirically – seems to be far exceeded by now.

According to a recent study by IfM Bonn (Holz, Icks & Nielen 2023), the bureaucratic burden on companies goes well beyond the statistically measured time and cost expenditures.


Figure of the months

8 out of 10

entrepreneurs see their enjoyment of entrepreneurial activity diminish due to the bureaucratic burden.


Policy Brief "Entrepreneurship in Focus"

Patterns of personality: An explanatory approach to innovation in lagging regions?

In the innovation process of lagging regions, which are typically characterized by low levels of private research and develop-ment (R&D) and the absence of large firms ...


Cooperation with University of Siegen

Cooperation with University of Siegen

Zukunftspanel Mittelstand

Zukunftspanel Mittelstand

NUI region ranking

NUI region ranking

Offensive Mittelstand

Offensive Mittelstand

Data of the IfM Bonn

Data of the IfM Bonn

Third party research

Third party research