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Press releases

Press releaseThe Enterprises who use artificial intelligence benefit from it

What opportunities does artificial intelligence (AI) offer for the Mittelstand? What framework conditions favor its application in companies? These questions were discussed today in Berlin by international entrepreneurship researchers together with representatives from SME policy and economy.


Press releaseNUI Regional Ranking: Leverkusen replaces Munich District at the top

The city of Leverkusen has replaced the Munich district at the top of the NUI regional ranking after five years. The district-free cities of Baden-Baden, Rosenheim and Offenbach am Main, as well as the district of Starnberg, follow in the further places.


Press releaseStill more main branch business start-ups compared to closures

In the first half of this year, more main branch businesses were established in Germany (46,000) than were closed (34,000). These include startups with a commercial register or craft roll entry, or with one or more employees.


Press releaseThe Maternity Protection Act does not apply to self-employed women

Around 27,000 self-employed women have born a child each year. Unlike women in regular employment, they are not entitled to maternity benefits under the Maternity Protection Act, as it does not apply to them. However, they can voluntarily secure their income during the maternity leave periods before …


Press releaseThe economic contribution of small and medium-sized enterprises remains high despite the current crises

More than 3.4 million companies in Germany are classified as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) according to the European Commission's definition of SMEs. This is more than 99% of all private sector businesses in Germany.


Press releaseMicro enterprises find it increasingly difficult to recruit apprentices

In the competition for apprentices, micro enterprises (with fewer than 10 employees subject to social security contributions) are increasingly falling behind. Despite a slight increase in the total number of apprentices to over 1.5 million, there were 3.4% fewer apprentices employed in these micro …


Press releaseReform of public procurement helps reduce bureaucracy, whereas the legal form of a limited liability company (GmbH) with tied assets is seen critically

According to the researchers at IfM Bonn, the Federal Government's goal to simplify, expedite, and digitize procurement law is a step in the right direction: The planned Growth Initiative aims to reduce bureaucratic effort for both clients and contractors in future procurement procedures. …


Press releaseThe Bavarian initiative can only be a first step in the redesign of public procurement

"In principle, we welcome that the Bavarian state government aims to simplify public procurement in municipal construction by expanding the upper limits for direct awards" explained Sebastian Schneider, one of the authors of the IfM study "Mittelstand-Friendly Design of Public Tenders".


Press releaseTogether more innovative

Own resource constraints and the desire to gain an early knowledge advantage over competitors are primary motives why Mittelstand enterprises, with regard to the circular economy, initiate - and implement - innovative projects together with startups, research institutions, or other businesses.


Press releaseIncrease of bankruptcies in the service industries

The health and social care sector – particularly hospitals and larger care facilities – as well as the transportation sector were most frequently affected by bankruptcies in 2023. This is shown by the proportion of insolvent companies relative to the total number of companies.


Press releaseIncrease corporate acceptance through targeted climate regulation

Überwiegend herrscht in den mittelständischen Unternehmen in Deutschland Konsenz darüber, dass es der ökologischen Transformation bedarf. Aktuell besteht jedoch die Gefahr, dass ein zu hoher Detaillierungsgrad sowie eine überbordende Zertifizierungspflicht zu Ausweichstrategien führen könnten.


Press releaseMore startups in agriculture, forestry and in the liberal professions, fewer in the commercial sector

Im vergangenen Jahr starteten mehr Gründerinnen und Gründer in der Land- und Forstwirtschaft (+ 4,5 %) sowie in den freien Berufen (+ 1,7 %) als in 2022. Dagegen sanken die Existenzgründungen im gewerblichen Bereich geschätzt um 5 %.


Press releaseFewer obstacles for the Mittelstand!

Dr Constantin Terton (German Confederation of Skilled Crafts; ZDH) called for a return to the social market economy and a focus on the values of individual responsibility and performance orientation at today's Mittelstand Roundtable in Berlin ...


Press releaseMore process and product innovations in Germany than the EU average

More than every third company (36%) developed new products, imitated innovations from competitors, or further developed their own products between 2018 and 2020. While the majority (63%) of companies with more than 250 employees did so, only every third small enterprise and 44% of medium-sized …


Press releaseThe EU single market is and remains the most important foreign market for the industrial Mittelstand

The European single market is of highest importance for Mittelstand industrial enterprises, both as procurement and as sales market, surpassing all other foreign markets. Following behind with great distance are markets in other European countries and in China.This was revealed by an IfM survey of …
