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Press releases

Press releaseOver 13,000 micro-enterprises were insolvent in 2022

Slightly more companies filed for insolvency in 2022 than in the previous year (+4.3%). The increase was much more substantial for companies with 11 to 100 employees (+26.1 %). Most of all insolvency applications in 2022 once again came from micro-enterprises (up to 10 employees).


Press releaseYoung bosses in their own companies

Underaged founders are between 15 and 17 years old, predominantly male and have above-average academic performance. They often pursue a business idea with digital connections in IT services or online trade.


Press releaseLimited resources, bureaucracy and a shortage of skilled labour limit SMEs' ecological efforts

More than three out of four small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) expect their businesses to be affected by climate change's consequences, including extreme weather events and the transition to a more sustainable economy. Among large enterprises, almost 90 % share this view. More than 1,300 …


Press releaseResponsible ownership does not facilitate the search for successors

"Introducing the legal form "GmbH-gebV" in Germany, comparable with the English LLC but with ‘tied assets‘, does not lead to longer-lasting companies – as the legal form initiators claimed. On the contrary: The legal form would complicate finding a successor since prospective buyers would have to …


Press release65 years at the service of the Mittelstand – 65 years IfM Bonn

What are the challenges now and in the future for the Mittelstand? When are political support measures for the Mittelstand meaningful and important – even if a regulatory approach is to be favoured in general like in the spirit of Ludwig Erhard?


Press releaseStart-ups in the liberal professions are attractive

In 2022, start-up activity increased in the liberal professions by 5% compared with the previous year. In contrast, start-up activities in the commercial sector stagnated (-0.3 %), especially among farmers and foresters - they even decreased (-6.5 %).


Press releaseFit for change?!

"Mittelstand companies are facing various challenges. Simultaneously, they are already actively shaping the transformation to a digital and sustainable economy through their ideas, innovations, and commitment. Therefore, it is Mittelstand policy's job to support them on this path,"


Press releaseThe COVID-19 pandemic has doubled the share of innovation-active companies

The earlier companies reacted with innovations to the economic challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the better they survived the crisis. It hardly mattered whether they initiated business model, product, service or process innovations.


Press releaseKrisenerfahrung kann das Baugewerbe für die bevorstehenden Herausforderungen stärken

Die wirtschaftlichen Folgen des russischen Angriffskrieges gegen die Ukraine und der Energiepreiskrise treffen das Baugewerbe aktuell sehr stark. Die Bauwirtschaft hat bislang wenige Krisen von einer solchen Dimension meistern müssen.
