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Mittelstandsförderliche Rahmenbedingungen | 2024 Regulatory framework for a future-oriented SME policy

Ongoing research project

Starting point / Problem statement

The Climate Protection Act mandates that Germany be net greenhouse gas neutral by the year 2045. To achieve this goal while ensuring economic competitiveness, the coalition agreement envisions, on one hand, the establishment of suitable framework conditions and, on the other hand, the implementation of targeted impulses by the public sector. However, it is by no means trivial to reconcile the fundamental redesign or further development of the necessary framework conditions for transformation with the planned short-term impulses. There is a risk that such ad-hoc measures may create structures in the long term that run counter to regulatory principles and, in particular, prevent the SME sector from fully leveraging its inherent strengths (flexibility, long-term orientation, etc.).

Research objective/approach

The primary goal of the project is to demonstrate how the regulatory framework should be designed to achieve Germany's intended CO2 neutrality in the most efficient and SME-friendly manner. Additionally, potential conflicts of interest between (existing or planned) short-term (support) measures will be highlighted, and their long-term effects will be discussed This is done through selected environmental policy measures, such as non-financial reporting requirements or measures for future hydrogen supply.


Hans-Jürgen Wolter
Tel. +49 228 7299735

Profile of Hans-Jürgen Wolter

André Pahnke
Tel. +49 228 7299721

Profile of André Pahnke