We examine the entrepreneurial process and success by following researchers in Germany over a three year time horizon. We show that every third scientist develops a business idea. Inventors are more likely to think about commercial exploitation than scientists without an invention. However, this entrepreneurial potential is not fully exploited because only about one in six with a founding idea actually founds a company or goes into business about three years later.
External publication | 2020 Academic Entrepreneurship
Bijedic, T.; Schneck, S.; Schröder, C. (2020): Unternehmerisches Verhalten von Wissenschaftler*innen in Deutschland, in: Hölzle, K.; Tiberius, V.; Surrey, H. (Hrsg.), Perspektiven des Entrepreneurships: Unternehmerische Konzepte zwischen Theorie und Praxis, S. 365-372.