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External publication | 2021 Digital B2B-Platforms - Status quo and Perspectives for the Industry in Germany

Compared to digital C2C platforms, B2B market segments are smaller and more specific. Therefore, network effects have a weaker impact on B2B platform mar-kets, which means that monopolisation tendencies are also lower. Thus B2B marketplaces' potential is not so high than B2C markets, and their growth poten-tial essentially results from the transition from analogue to digital procurement and sales processes. The actual high economic potential of B2B lies predomi-nantly in the data-based Internet of Things (IoT) platforms.The study identifies future market opportunities for SMEs in Germany in the area of B2B platforms.

Hoffmann, M.; Schröder, C.; Pasing, P. (2021): Digitale B2B-Plattformen - Status quo und Perspektiven der Industrie in Deutschland, WISO Diskurs 01/2021, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bonn.



Christian Schröder
Tel. +49 228 7299743

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