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IfM-Background-Paper | 2023 Climate risks from a company perspective

Against the backdrop of worsening climate change, companies are increasingly confronted with a range of risks such as extreme weather events. Based on a company survey conducted in 2022, the study examines how entrepreneurs assess these risks.

Rieger-Fels, M.; Schlepphorst, S. (2023): Klimarisiken aus Perspektive der Unternehmen, IfM-Hintergrundpapier, IfM Bonn.


Dr. Markus Rieger-Fels
Tel. +49 228 7299761

Profile of Dr. Markus Rieger-Fels

Dr. Susanne Schlepphorst
Tel. +49 228 7299766

Profile of Dr. Susanne Schlepphorst