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IfM-Background-Paper | 2021 Mittelstand policy during and after the Covid 19 pandemic

During the pandemic, Mittelstand policy is above all a policy of acute crisis management for the Mittelstand economy. However, Mittelstand policy must not lose its focus on the time "afterwards", even if the acute problems of the Mittelstand predominate and an end to the pandemic is not in view. In the background paper, the authors discuss possible starting points for Mittelstand policy in the post-Corona phase and assess the measures currently in place

Welter, F.; Wolter, H.-J.; Holz, M. (2021): Mittelstandspolitik während und nach der Covid 19-Pandemie, IfM Bonn: IfM-Hintergrundpapier, Bonn.


Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Friederike Welter
Tel. +49 228 729970

Profile of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Friederike Welter

Hans-Jürgen Wolter
Tel. +49 228 7299735

Profile of Hans-Jürgen Wolter

Michael Holz
Tel. +49 228 7299760

Profile of Michael Holz