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IfM-Background-Paper | 2023 Technology-open and broad-based R&I support - Assessement from the perspective of economic theory and economic policy

Innovations are important for the growth of an economy and their insitutional support is an integral element of innovation policy in Germany. The study examines the conditions under which institutional support could be usefull. The focus is particularly on the importance of technology-open and broadly effective support.

Brink, S. (2023): Wirtschaftstheoretische und wirtschaftspolitische Einschätzung technologieoffener und breitenwirksamer Forschungs- und Innovationsförderung, Institut für Mittelstandsforschung (IfM) Bonn, IfM-Hintergrundpaper, Bonn.


Siegrun Brink
Tel. +49 228 7299746

Profile of Siegrun Brink