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Participation in external events Focus on old-age provision and business sales

At the conference "Die soziale Absicherung von Risiken bei selbstständiger und hybrider Erwerbstätigkeit" at the University of Vechta, Dr Rosemarie Kay and Dr Olivier Butkowski explored the question of whether social risk protection is a particular challenge for the hybrid self-employed. The result: Hybrid self-employed people do not have fewer social security options than dependent employees. Not all hybrid self-employed are socially well protected, but their hybrid employment status does not seem to be the cause of this.

Peter Kranzusch presented a paper at the conference with Dr Isabell Stamm on "Capital gains from the sale of companies": According to this, maximum values are achieved in sectors where real estate is typically part of the business assets. The same applies to company sales in liberal professions, such as business consultancy and health care. However, a small number of deals with high profits contrasts with many sales with low profits.

The conference was organised by the working group "The Work of the Self-Employed" of the Section for the Sociology of Work and Industry of the German Sociological Association, the Institute for Gerontology of the University of Vechta and the Research Network for Old Age Security of the German Pension Insurance.