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External publication | 2021 EntreComp at Work. The European Entrepreneurship Competence Framework in Action in the Labour Market: A Selection of Case Studies

Today’s world is characterised by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. Technological developments are redefining the nature of work, transferring tasks from humans to algorithms or robots. Demographic trends, globalisation, climate change, are also contributing to rapid transformations of labour markets. To thrive in world where technology is pervasive and fast evolving, problems are wide-raging and challenges global, both individuals and collective entities, such as companies or public bodies, need to develop new competences that secure their resilience in the face of a fast changing economy and society. Being able to adapt to change, working well in teams, using office software, assisting customers, using a computer, solving problems, communicating well, being creative and able to prioritise and managing projects are often listed among the skills for the future. These are embedded in the knowledge, skills and attitudes that the 2018 Recommendation on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning has identified as critical for citizens not only to cope with fast changing labour markets, but also to be active contributors to more resilient societies. In particular, they relate to digital and entrepreneurship competences. To support these two competences the European Commission has published two reference frameworks, the Digital Competence Framework for Citizens, also known as DigComp , and the Entrepreneurship Competence Framework, known as EntreComp. EntreComp at Work focuses on how EntreComp is being used for the provision of services supporting individuals to progress towards and participate in labour market activities or entrepreneurial ventures. Presenting 10 case studies, this publication provides insights into actual uses of EntreComp to address the entrepreneurial skills challenge that Labour Market Intermediary organisations (LMI) face in support individuals in a journey towards sustainable employment.

McCallum, E., McMullan, L., Weicht, R.; Kluzer, S. (2020): EntreComp at Work. The European Entrepreneurship Competence Framework in Action in the Labour Market: A Selection of Case Studies. (M. Bacigalupo Ed.), Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.
