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1107 Results

External publication | 2024 The protection against social risks: a particular challenge for hybrid employees?

Hybrid self-employment - the parallel pursuit of self-employment and paid employment - has steadily increased over time.

IfM-Background-Paper | 2024 Estimation of the number of commercial start-ups and company closures in 2023

The IfM Bonn is faced with the challenge of continuing its statistics on business start-ups and company closures in the commercial sector for the year 2023, as the business advertisement statistics from the end of 2022 and also in 2023 were affected by recording errors.

Policy Brief "Unternehmertum im Fokus" | 2024 Patterns of personality: An explanatory approach to innovation in lagging regions?

In the innovation process of lagging regions, which are typically characterized by low levels of private research and development (R&D) and the absence of large firms, interactive learning within and across regional borders serves as an important compensatory mechanism for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

External publication | 2024 Collaborative innovation processes: An opportunity for successful dual transformation in the SME sector

The framework conditions under which SMEs innovate have been undergoing serious changes for some time now: The digital and green transformation is changing products, production and communication processes. This change, coupled with a growing shortage of skilled labour, is increasingly encouraging and demanding the development of collaborative innovations.

External publication | 2024 India’s labour market challenges: Employability of young workforce from the perspective of supply and demand

This article contextualises the Indian labour market and vocational education system.

External publication | 2024 A gender-specific view on entrepreneurial recovery

Given the adversity of the COVID-19 pandemic, there remains an incomplete understanding of the gender disparities in the affectedness and recovery of micro-entrepreneurs from the crisis.