When companies engage in own research and development, are internationally active and seek to maximise their market share, the chances of becoming a hidden champion increase. This is the conclusion reached by Dr Susanne Schlepphorst, Dr Nadine Schlömer-Laufen and Michael Holz in their article "Determinants of Hidden Champions: Evidence from Germany".
Germany has the most hidden champions in the world which raises questions about the reasons for this. The article shows that established hidden champions rarely utilise government support measures. The authors therefore concludes that German hidden champions benefit from specific framework conditions in Germany at the beginning of their life cycle that do not exist in a comparable form in Europe or the rest of the world. They mention the German education system, the opportunities for co-operation with universities and research institutions and the promotion of foreign trade as examples.
The article "Determinants of Hidden Champions: Evidence from Germany" is published in the collective volume "Hidden Champions Case Compendium. Leading Global Markets – Case Studies and Texts".
Policy Brief "What makes the Hidden Champion so successful?"