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IfM Bonn News

IfM PublicationsSME Development Indicator of the IfM Bonn

How do small and medium-sized enterprises develop in Germany – and in Europe? Are SMEs in Germany facing the same challenges as small and medium-sized enterprises in other EU countries?


Press releaseMicro enterprises find it increasingly difficult to recruit apprentices

In the competition for apprentices, micro enterprises (with fewer than 10 employees subject to social security contributions) are increasingly falling behind. Despite a slight increase in the total number of apprentices to over 1.5 million, there were 3.4% fewer apprentices employed in these micro …


External publicationsWelfare provision for hybrid self-employed persons

There is recurring public concern that hybrid self-employed may not be sufficiently socially protected due to the different social security systems for paid employees and the self-employed.


IfM PublicationsThe influence of personality traits on regional innovation capability

Do individual characteristics of the Big Five personality patterns have an impact on the development of innovation in structurally disadvantaged regions? Leonie Reher, Dr Jörg Thomä and Dr Petrik Runst analyse this question in their policy brief "Patterns of personality: An explanatory approach to …


Press releaseReform of public procurement helps reduce bureaucracy, whereas the legal form of a limited liability company (GmbH) with tied assets is seen critically

According to the researchers at IfM Bonn, the Federal Government's goal to simplify, expedite, and digitize procurement law is a step in the right direction: The planned Growth Initiative aims to reduce bureaucratic effort for both clients and contractors in future procurement procedures. …


External publicationsHow enterprises become Hidden Champions

When companies engage in own research and development, are internationally active and seek to maximise their market share, the chances of becoming a hidden champion increase.


Press releaseThe Bavarian initiative can only be a first step in the redesign of public procurement

"In principle, we welcome that the Bavarian state government aims to simplify public procurement in municipal construction by expanding the upper limits for direct awards" explained Sebastian Schneider, one of the authors of the IfM study "Mittelstand-Friendly Design of Public Tenders".


Guests at the IfMCrafts and artificial intelligence

What opportunities exist for craft businesses to use artificial intelligence (AI) in their day-to-day work? How can this make things easier for companies?


Participation in external eventsPsychological costs meanwhile outweigh cost and time investment

Companies increasingly feel unable to implement all of the existing bureaucratic regulations imposed by the state – but also by self-regulatory organisations in industry, standardisation institutes or within value chains.


Participation in external eventsMachine learning versus conventional static methods

Are machine learning methods more suitable than conventional statistical methods to predict IPO withdrawal?


Press releaseTogether more innovative

Own resource constraints and the desire to gain an early knowledge advantage over competitors are primary motives why Mittelstand enterprises, with regard to the circular economy, initiate - and implement - innovative projects together with startups, research institutions, or other businesses.


Participation in external eventsThe way to an effective reduction in bureaucracy

Is it possible to shift the trend towards reducing bureaucracy? And if so, how? Sebastian Schneider presented on this question at the 1st Packaging Machinery Conference in Munich in mid-June.


External publicationsYouth unemployment in India versus the labour market

India is a fast-growing economy that needs a particularly skilled labour force.


External publicationsFocus on Microentrepreneurs during Covid-19

What impact had the COVID-19 pandemic on the development of micro-entrepreneurs? What gender-specific differences can be identified at the beginning?


Press releaseIncrease of bankruptcies in the service industries

The health and social care sector – particularly hospitals and larger care facilities – as well as the transportation sector were most frequently affected by bankruptcies in 2023. This is shown by the proportion of insolvent companies relative to the total number of companies.
